
Guard Dog Valves - Protecting Your Property From Leaks

$329.00 CAD

Our valves prevent leaks in the leakiest items in your home, your toilets!

With 3/8" fittings on both sides of the valve, it can be installed under any tank filled toilet using hose lines, or hard line solutions. The Guard Dog Valve stays powered by the flow of water into the toilet, so no replacing batteries. 

Simple To Use

The motion sensor detects when a user is present, and allows water to flow to the toilet. No person = No water flow (aka no waste)

Easy Install

Our product can be installed in minutes, providing an easy transition to saving water!

The Guard Dog Toilet Shutoff Valve is a Hydro-generator operated motion sensing toilet supply line shut off system designed to put your mind at ease knowing that no water can go down the drain unless you’re using it.  The only thing better than quickly detecting leaks is preventing them!


BEAT the leak!

  • Motion sensor activates when user is present.
  • Valve opens to allow water to flow to the toilet
  • When the toilet flushes, the hydro-generator recharges the battery, meaning no regular battery maintenance
  • When the user leaves, the valve closes, preventing water from flowing to the toilet
  • No water flow = No continuous leaking

01 - Trillion - Household leaks account for more than 1.7 trillion (1,700,000,000,000) gallons wasted every year! EPA.GOV

02 - HOME - That means the average household wastes more than 10,000 gallons every year in leaks. EPA.GOV

03 - TOILET - Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30% of an average home’s indoor water consumption. EPA.GOV

04 - FLAPPER - A single toilet with a leaking flapper can waste up to 200 gallons per day (enough water for 50 flushes). EPA.GOV

05 - LEAK - 1 in 5 toilets leak (20%) LVVWD.COM

06 - FLUSH - On average, a toilet is flushed 5 times per day. In a hotel, it can be up to 7, accounting for housekeeping flushing the toilet during cleaning. WATERMD.COM (pg 94)

07 - TWICE - Water is paid for twice, once when the water comes into the facility, and a second time when it exits the facility as sewage. Sewer billing is based on water usage. EPA DOC (pg 1-11)

08 - SEWAGE - The cost of sewage tends to be greater than the price of the incoming water in highly populated areas. EPA DOC (pg 1-11)

09 - DAMAGE - In 2017, the total amount of insurance payouts for water damage was $13 billion. The average claim cost about $10,000. INSURANCE

10 - PRICE - Since 2010, the price of a monthly water bill for a family of 4 has increased an average of 41% in 20 of the largest U.S. cities and in 10 regionally representative cities, as chosen by Circle of Blue staff. CIRCLE OF BLUE


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