Canada's Leading Non-Chemical and Salt-Free Water Treatment Solutions

HydroFLOW Canada, headquartered in Burlington, ON, Canada, is the exclusive Canadian distributor of the innovative, HydroFLOW Water Conditioning systems. Our systems are powered by the globally patented HydroPATH technology. Designed, developed, and manufactured in the U.K, these innovative devices have been distributed throughout the world since 1992, and are now in 80+ countries.

It's been over 30 years since Dr. Danny Stefanini invented the unique HydroPATH technology to treat water for hardness issues, and the world has come a long way in its fight to manage resources more efficiently. Dr. Danny's vision to replace costly salt and chemical solutions with a more effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly method, is now more relevant and urgent than ever. HydroFLOW systems treat all kinds of fluids by inducing a robust yet harmless signal into plumbing systems, and this preventative action significantly reduces energy, chemical, water and maintenance costs which ultimately improves profit and extends the service life of equipment and piping systems further improving ROI for existing equipment while reducing impact on our environment.

Our Solutions Cover A Wide Range Of Residential, Commercial And Industrial Applications

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Homes, Pools, Ponds and Spas

Limescale can be a major problem in hard water areas, causing blockages, requiring replacement of corroded equipment, and decreasing heating efficiency and thereby increasing costs. Our Pearl, Pearl PLUS, HydroFLOW HS40 and K40 AQUAKLEAR Spa and Pool System cover a wide range of homes and residential Applications.

The K40 AQUAKLEAR is designed to improve the water quality of pools, hot tubs, spas, water features, and other related applications. Reducing bacterial levels and improving filtration in pools etc. leads to clearer and more pleasant water and a reduction in maintenance regimes and associated costs and a reduction in backwash. HydroFLOW installations in homes, condos and RVs can protect tanks, spas, pools and other water using appliances from the harmful effects of limescale without need for salt or chemical based softeners.

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Commercial Buildings | Water Parks | Pools | Spas

The building and leisure industry is a demanding sector, with swimming pools requiring impeccable water clarity. HydroFLOW Technology can save water and energy by reducing backwash and use less chlorine, prevent algae build up, eliminate odour and reduce scum lines.

HydroFLOW® uses non-chemical flocculation to help existing filters work more effectively. The water becomes clearer, and the filter itself becomes easier to clean. This means that the amount of water wasted on backwashing – and the energy and chemicals used to heat and treat it – can be dramatically reduced. Reductions in the total amount of backwashing and the savings on water, sewage and chemical charges can be huge. Additionally, as chloramine levels are lowered, the “Swimming Pool Smell” and eye irritation is also reduced.

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Oil and Gas | Mining

While many industries suffer from the problems of mineral scaling on pipelines, heat exchangers and other equipment, the mining industry is particularly vulnerable to the formation of scale due to the challenging nature of the industry and the high levels of minerals present in the water or slurry.

Many types of scaling can occur in the pipelines transporting the product, blocking pipes and valves, increasing the pressure and reducing the flow. It is also a common problem in pumps driving the fluid, in cooling towers and heat exchangers, and in process lines transporting limewater or other additives. HydroFLOW® units offer a simple non-chemical treatment for the problem of hard mineral deposits. Without the need to cut into pipelines or stop production, HydroFLOW® units fit around an existing pipe and transmit a unique electrical signal into the water. The signal prevents minerals from forming as a hard encrustation on surfaces and instead form as powder-like crystals that are washed out by the flow of the fluid.

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Power Generation

There are many benefits to the power generation industry. From optimizing the use of chemicals and make-up water to improving and maintaining heat transfer efficiency. Installation of the HydroFLOW system is non-invasive and does not require any large machinery or welding.

HydroFLOW optimizes the use of chemicals, saves make-up water, reduces maintenance, and improves the heat transfer efficiency of cooling tower systems. Installation of the HydroFLOW system is non-invasive and does not require any large machinery or welding. HydroFLOW® units use non-chemical water treatment to address three problematic aspects of cooling tower operation: limescale on heat exchangers and tower surfaces, the level of blow-down required and build-up of biofilm and algae. Reducing limescale means that heat transfer is no longer blocked and keeps exchangers operating at maximum efficiency, preventing wasted energy costs. Flocculating particulates in the water improves filtration, reducing blow down levels and so saving on water and sewage costs.

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Agriculture and Food

Like all industries, the food industry requires careful management of water systems, requiring that they remain clear of limescale and biofilm to remain at optimum efficiency. With food production, there is an additional constraint on the amount of chemical treatment that can be added to the water.

HydroFLOW® electronic water conditioners offer a chemical-free approach to treating both existing and new limescale, and to addressing biofilm. Unlike water softeners there are no ongoing replenishment costs, and boilers can operate on unsoftened water without the problems of hard scale. HydroFLOW® units can also help with the treatment of waste water from food processes, reducing the need for chemical, polymers, and other flocculants. Installation is simple, with no system modification required. HydroFLOW® units operate maintenance-free 24/7, providing maximum performance no matter the throughput.

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Waste Water

Two issues that are particularly problematic in the treatment of waste water are the build-up of deposits of struvite or other scaling, and the need to add expensive polymer flocculants to ensure the effectiveness of the dewatering process.

HydroFLOW® electronic water conditioners offer a chemical-free approach to treating both existing and new limescale, and to addressing biofilm. Unlike water softeners there are no ongoing replenishment costs, and boilers can operate on unsoftened water without the problems of hard scale. HydroFLOW® units can also help with the treatment of waste water from food processes, reducing the need for chemical, polymers, and other flocculants. Installation is simple, with no system modification required. HydroFLOW® units operate maintenance-free 24/7, providing maximum performance no matter the throughput.

Protect Your Investments

Even though most of us aren’t usually aware of problems like limescale buildup, bio-fouling and flocculation, these issues come at considerable cost to homes, small businesses, commercial and industrial operators and as importantly our environment. HydroFLOW is specifically designed to protect against these costs by preventing scale buildup and other issues and removing any existing scale without chemicals or salt. HydroFLOW can be used to protect a range of residential, commercial and industrial equipment and applications, such as water heaters, steam generators, boilers, industrial chillers and appliances, as well as pools and spas.

HydroFLOW Introduction


  • Two tables displaying the cost of scale in both boiler systems and cooling systems.

    It’s important to understand that scale buildup in pipe systems, heating and cooling elements, and appliances come at a significant cost. First, it compromises energy-efficiency.

  • Chart that displays the percentage of efficiency loss depending on the scale thickness.

    In fact, in water heating and cooling systems, a quarter of an inch of scale buildup results in a 38 percent loss of efficiency - and that means your energy bills increase substantially.

  • Second, Limescale buildup can shorten the lifespan of appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, coffeemakers and more. Scale buildup on heating elements, as well as on other parts of the appliances, can damage components, leading to costly repairs and shorter functional life.

    Finally, Limescale buildup in pipe systems can damage the pipes and cause leaks. The resulting costs of repairing or replacing the pipe system can be substantial.

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Deliver On Environmental Sustainability Goals (ESG)


How HydroFLOW Technology Works

The critical difference between the HydroFLOW globally patented technology and other physical water treatment technologies on the market is the induced signal and its ability to continuously treat the liquid solution throughout an entire system. This process treats fluids by inducing a robust yet harmless signal of 150kHz throughout plumbing systems made of any material.

The fluid inside of the pipes and systems, acts as a conduit which allows the signal to propagate. The induction of the signal prevents scale and biofilm from accumulating inside plumbing systems and gradually removes existing deposits. This preventative action significantly reduces energy, chemicals, and water usage as well as downtime and maintenance costs, which extends the service life of equipment and pipes.

The electric induction is performed by a special transducer connected to a ring of ferrites. Just as an electrical wire carries current from point A to B, the water inside the pipe acts as a conductor and carries the induced electric signal throughout the entire water system.

The oscillating sine waves of the induced AC signal cause the positively and negatively-charged ions to form suspended crystals in the water, preventing them from attaching to rough surfaces. Testing shows that compared to other technologies, Hydropath Technology is many times more efficient and effective.

HydroFLOW Canada has a full range of water treatment systems providing a chemical-free solution for the harmful effects of scale, corrosion, bacteria, and algae. These durable water treatment systems are fully encapsulated and water-resistant. Designed for immediate installation without process interruption with a non-intrusive installation method plus a lifespan of 10 years +. Various-sized units fit pipes of all sizes including custom sizes up to 108 inches.

How Scale Is Prevented By HydroFLOW Technology


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Minerals such as calcium carbonate, the mineral primarily responsible for limescale formation, are dissolved in the solution as TDS (Total Dissolved Solids).

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When water with high TDS hits a temperature or pressure change, minerals precipitate out of solution and accumulate as hard scale (limescale) in pipes, in hot water tanks, boilers, heating exchanges and on heating elements.


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When the Hydropath signal is present, the dissolved minerals combine to form loosely held clusters.

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When the clusters precipitate out of solution due to a temperature or pressure change, they form stable calcite crystals that DO NOT accumulate as hard scale on the inner surface of pipes, tanks or heating elements. This results in the effective prevention of limescale buildup and eliminates the need for a chemical or salt water softener.

How Existing Scale Is Removed

Minerals Form Loose Clusters

Hydropath technology treats fluids by inducing a robust yet harmless signal of 150kHz throughout plumbing systems made of any material, including PEX and PVC. When the Hydropath signal is present, dissolved minerals combine to form loosely held clusters.

Calcite Crystals Off-Gas CO2

When these clusters precipitate out of solution, they form stable calcite crystals that off-gas CO2 which goes to work on the existing limescale and/or biofouling. This is visually seen as light powder that is easily wiped away unlike hard limescale.

Existing Scale Erodes Slowly

However, with Hydropath technology, when the clusters precipitate out of solution, they form stable calcite crystals that do not accumulate as hard scale. Since hard scale no longer accumulates, liquid flowing in the pipe contributes to the removal of existing scale deposits.

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